Paws in the dirt!

Paws in the dirt!

The Cove has been granted an uncharacteristically rainy spring, which was much needed and has been quite glorious. It’s led, however, to many an evening spent checking the weather scrolls, hoping for a break in the clouds, so that we could move forward with our garden project.

Once the day was upon us, Selkie Cove’s garden committee sprang to action! Mouselings scurried to and fro, fiddling and fussing with the final foundational bits.
We took heed of what our wormie friends shared about the importance of healthy soil and amended our garden bed with a potion of finely ground eggshell, coffee grounds, and the shimmering waters of the river of Dahnue from high up in the silver misted mountains of The Cove. Then, with the help of Tenderpaw we fabricated a trellis to provide support for our skyward sprouts and, finally, it was time!!



With all paws on deck we got to work ferrying our sproutlings to their intended locations, and took our time tucking them in to their cozy garden bed. It was a truly lovely day, filled with the chirps of happy critters, sunshine, and every now and again a soft reminder from Tenderpaw to be still, and breathe in the world around us.


Every week thereafter our garden committee waited with bated breath, watering, weeding and tending our garden. As the days wore on the mouselings and I began referring to our new pastime as Flower watch 2024, and were often seen headed out to the garden in a gaggle of giggles, tiny mouselings atop the back of our floofy grannie dog Jazz, happily announcing each new leaf and sprout we stumbled upon.

As spring faded and summer began, Tenderpaw took to spending his afternoons beneath the plum tree in the centre of his secret garden, almost always with a small stack of journals, his berry basket, and a cup of tea poised in his mighty paw. The mouselings and I continue Flower watch 2024 and have been sharing with you, our friends, all of our nature findings on Instagram & Facebook stories.

Thanks for joining us on our garden adventures! Until we cross paths again,

Selkie Fae

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