Our Blog

Paws in the dirt!

Paws in the dirt!

The Cove has been granted an uncharacteristically rainy spring, which was much needed and has been quite glorious. It’s led, however, to many an evening spent checking the weather scrolls,...

Paws in the dirt!

The Cove has been granted an uncharacteristically rainy spring, which was much needed and has been quite glorious. It’s led, however, to many an evening spent checking the weather scrolls,...

Garden foundations and friends

Garden foundations and friends

Greetings fae folk, today we’ll be exploring the foundational steps and planning involved in creating Tenderpaw’s secret garden.From the earliest stages of our adorably determined garden committees first meetings we...

Garden foundations and friends

Greetings fae folk, today we’ll be exploring the foundational steps and planning involved in creating Tenderpaw’s secret garden.From the earliest stages of our adorably determined garden committees first meetings we...

Tenderpaws Secret Garden

Tenderpaws Secret Garden

Happy Spring everyone! We hope you’ll join us in excitedly bidding farewell to the final remnants of wintertide; snowflakes melting, making way for teeny green sprouts soon to bloom. The...

Tenderpaws Secret Garden

Happy Spring everyone! We hope you’ll join us in excitedly bidding farewell to the final remnants of wintertide; snowflakes melting, making way for teeny green sprouts soon to bloom. The...

Ode to new beginnings

Ode to new beginnings

Greetings! and welcome to our whimsical corner of the internet. Selkie Cove is our fantastical attempt at making sense of the world around us while suspending our disbelief -just- enough...

Ode to new beginnings

Greetings! and welcome to our whimsical corner of the internet. Selkie Cove is our fantastical attempt at making sense of the world around us while suspending our disbelief -just- enough...