Ode to new beginnings

Ode to new beginnings

Greetings! and welcome to our whimsical corner of the internet.

Selkie Cove is our fantastical attempt at making sense of the world around us while suspending our disbelief -just- enough to add a dash of magic to our everyday. Embrace curiosity as your compass and embark with us on the greatest quest of all, enjoying this, our one life.

Which is a wonderful segue *drumroll* into our first blog post!!

Do you remember that scene in The Secret Garden where Mary, in an attempt to express her emotional distress lashes out at how dead everything is; how there’s no life left in the garden, thus no reason to put effort towards it, but then (the true gentleman he is) Dickon shows her there’s life all around them, just under the surface? Hits me right in the feels, every time.


As a child I couldn’t help but see myself in Mary and that scene has held as a continuous reminder that with a little tending everything can sprout anew.

We hope this blog serves as a way for us to share more about ourselves and Selkie Cove.

From projects focused on reclaiming urban green spaces and small space pollinator friendly gardening, to behind the scenes studio builds and our art creation processes, including floral preservation techniques and the making of our sweet critters it’s our desire to add a dash of whimsy to your every day, while we learn together along the way! - I know, I know, but that rhyme pretty well willed itself into existence, so obviously it’s staying. :P

Cheers to new beginnings, wandering into the unknown and, to new friends!

Till next time,

Selkie Fae

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