Our soft and slow approach to the New Year

Our soft and slow approach to the New Year

As we turn the page and begin this new year we invite you to join us in nurturing both yourself and the moments that fill your days - no matter their size or shine. After all, even the tiniest of things can be quite mighty, resonating deeply within our everyday.

It’s in this spirit we share with you a simple yet meaningful way the critters of The Cove seek to savour the sweetness of each day - our very own Selkie's favourite shortbread recipe.

Recipe: Selkie's favourite shortbread

Servings: 24-30 cookies
Prep time: 25 minutes
Total time: 1 ish hour(s)

Brought forth from the ancients, these deliciously magic morsels are a delicacy amongst most sea maidens, and a favourite of the enchanting Selkie.

For whether she be resting by the rocky shoreline of The Cove, her pelt enveloping her in its warm embrace while she contemplates the sea, or flapping her flippers happily while she dips a gloriously rich and crumbly shortbread biscuit into a cup of warm tea, it’s customary for a Selkie to keep a wee tin of these biscuits in reserve, to be shared during sacred moments of tranquility and reflection.


  • 1 cup unsalted butter
  • 1/4 cup brown sugar
  • 2 cups flour
  • 1 egg yolk
  • 1 tsp vanilla
  • 1/2 tsp salt


  • Preheat oven to 350 degrees fahrenheit
  • Using your mixing implement of choice cream butter until smooth and slightly brightened in colour
  • Add: brown sugar and salt, mixing until fluffy
  • Add: 1 egg yolk and vanilla, mixing to combine
  • Gradually and with patience mix in flour (bit by bit) until dough is well combined but not over worked (think crumbly but sticks together when compressed)
  • Roll out dough to roughly 1/4” in thickness and cut into desired shortbread shape, perforating the tops with a fork
  • Bake at 350 for 20-25 minutes or until the edges of your biscuits are lightly golden brown, then allow to cool and enjoy your treat!

P.S. - these are wonderfully soul soothing when casually dipped into a warm beverage such as tea or coffee.

Your friends from Selkie Cove

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